Chemical waste processing
The sale of by-products
Off spec product services

With our years of (international) experience
we are happy to be of service to you.
Through our contacts and the contacts of our partners, we have access to various by-products and waste streams released during chemical production processes. Many of these products are collected for use in incinerators, as these products have a certain calorific value or thermal value. This makes them valuable as fuel for combustion in the furnaces of waste treatment plants.
However, we can apply many of these by-products and side streams in processes where these materials are used to produce new products or are applied in special blends and diluents.
Reusing products in this way reduces the consumption of new raw materials, energy consumption and air pollution from combustion and production processes.
Reuse is a key component in modern waste reduction and in the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” waste hierarchy.